Despite having approached Minister of Construction and Transport János Lázár last year regarding the so-called castle law, representatives of Hungary’s historical families have yet to receive a reassuring response to their concerns. As soon as it became clear that some of the country’s castles – expropriated by the state during the socialist era – would be handed over to private ownership free of charge under the terms defined by the law, representatives of the descendants of these families wrote a letter to Lázár in the spring of 2023, urging the government to consider the perspectives and requests of the families concerned when preparing the castle law. “We sadly observe that the castle law does not even mention the families who built these monuments and acted as their careful custodians for centuries” – said Pál Zichy, one of the descendants who appealed to the government. Zichy is also president of the Association of Hungarian Historical Families. “These families have not disappeared. Their descendants still live, some abroad, some here, and if given the opportunity, they would act for the sake these historical monuments” – he added.
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