Six months have passed since the first interview with Gracy Chen. In the second half of the year, Bitcoin (BTC) achieved a historic milestone by reaching a price of $100,000. Over the past six months, Bitget has solidified its position among the leading centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, the United States elected a crypto-friendly president, and several cryptocurrencies – including Bitget’s native token, BGB – reached all-time highs. We once again asked Gracy Chen for her perspective on the current state of the cryptocurrency market, her thoughts on the causes of growth, which narratives she plans to focus on in the coming months, and where she sees Bitcoin’s price peak. The crypto market has seen remarkable developments, with Bitcoin regaining its upward momentum and institutional adoption gaining traction. Macroeconomic stabilization, including easing inflation and supportive fiscal policies in certain regions, has created a conducive environment for growth. Simultaneously, technological innovations like blockchain scalability, real-world asset tokenization, and advancements in decentralized finance (DeFi) have enriched the ecosystem. The rise of AI integration into trading and analytics has further amplified market efficiency. These dual forces of economic factors and innovation are driving the industry towards a more mature and sustainable phase, appealing to both retail and institutional participants.
További tartalom #Kriptogazdaság
Hirdetés #
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