"In recent decades, the Gulf countries have risen from the sands of the desert to become one of the world's leading power centers. Every major country and global power is knocking on their doors, working at full speed to establish financial, energy, and economic partnerships. For Hungary, securing a position in this race could be a crucial breakthrough. That is why we have come to Abu Dhabi," Balazs Orban, the Hungarian prime minister’s political director, wrote in a post on his social media page. "We are steadily advancing cooperation with several Gulf countries. Now, a strategic partnership opportunity has opened up with the United Arab Emirates. We have more in common than one might think: they do not want a new Cold War, they believe in a foreign policy based on connectivity, and they are keen to cooperate with Europeans—but without the liberal ideological brainwashing and lecturing. That is why the Emirates is an important partner for Hungary, and they are both willing and capable of mobilizing significant resources to strengthen cooperation with us.".
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36 milliárd forintos autóipari beruházással 300 új munkahely jön létre Győrben.
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A dohányzás mellett a nem biztonságos fűtési rendszerek, illetve az elöregedett elektromos hálózat a legfőbb okok a sok kigyulladó lakásnál. Miskolcon és a megye többi részén is rengeteg volt a tűzeset. Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyéb
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Az Autónavigátor.hu-n már meg is jelentek az állami hirdetések.
Didier Reynders a gyanú szerint lottózással mosott tisztára pénzeket.