Evidence Shows Peter Magyar Is Brussels's Pick

Egyéb 2024.11.28 16:14

Evidence Shows Peter Magyar Is Brussels's Pick

The EPP, Renew Europe and the S&D have agreed to prevent the change that European citizens want, said Laszlo Dornfeld, senior analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights. The coalition of the three parties comes as no surprise, and the timing of the current pro-war deal can be explained by Wednesday's vote on the new European Commission, the expert said. The parties representing the Brussels elite, rather than the citizens, would not only continue to finance a senseless war, but would also push the migration pact further. They would also continue to blackmail Hungary with rule-of-law conditions, and do all this with full support from Peter Magyar and his Tisza Party. "The pro-war deal between the EPP, the S&D and Renew Europe is written proof that the European People's Party and the European Left have betrayed their voters in order to retain power," Laszlo Donfeld, senior analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights, told Magyar Nemzet. "However, the coalition itself is not surprising given that a study shows that they have already voted together 80 percent of the time. As for the timing, the EP yesterday decided to approve the European Commission, which guarantees the status quo, and the cooperation of the three political groups was essential for achieving this," the expert explained.

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