The very first Budapest Fintech Week is just around the corner, from the 26th to the 29th of November offering an exciting platform where the Hungarian fintech, banking, and startup ecosystems converge. This isn’t just another event—it’s an unparalleled opportunity for key players across industries to build connections, share cutting-edge ideas, and shape the future of finance together. At Budapest Fintech Week, attendees will experience a full immersion into the latest trends, technological advancements, and regulatory updates influencing the fintech landscape. From exploring the most pressing industry challenges to sparking new opportunities, this event promises to ignite meaningful conversations and collaborations that will propel Hungary’s position in the European fintech scene. Whether you’re a fintech enthusiast, a startup founder, a banking professional, or a key decision-maker in finance, this event series is tailored to you. The multiple days series of programs will cover everything from the latest in investment opportunities and market-entry strategies to the role of technology in shaping the future of finance. The event series is powered by a stellar collaboration between MBH Fintechlab, the Hungarian Fintech Association (HFA), Ergomania Design Agency, and BrightHills, all of whom are committed to strengthening Hungary’s fintech ecosystem. However, Budapest Fintech Week is not a closed event! It thrives on community participation and collaboration. Anyone can get involved as a co-organizer, participant, or sponsor of professional programs. Individual workshops, lectures, and discussions can also be hosted. This inclusive approach ensures a broad representation of ideas, helping to foster a truly diverse, innovative environment. A highlight of the event series is the opportunity to meet and network with key figures from the international fintech sector, exchange ideas on the latest regulatory developments, and uncover new business and investment opportunities. Whether you’re interested in fintech startups, banking innovation, or the latest trends in finance, Budapest Fintech Week offers a platform to turn insights into action. With strategic partnerships already established with Peak, Czech Trade Hungary, Tőkeportál, and Insurwiz, the event is set to deliver valuable perspectives from across the industry. The central programs of Budapest Fintech Week 2024 will take place in one of Budapest’s most dynamic locations—CREATE26, at Király street 26, right in the heart of the city. Events will be held primarily in English, making it accessible to international participants and ensuring that the conversations transcend borders. Budapest Fintech Week is designed for anyone with a professional or personal interest in fintech, startups, banking, or financial innovation. This includes entrepreneurs looking for networking opportunities, industry representatives keen on staying ahead of regulatory and technological trends, and major market players who want to be part of shaping Hungary’s role in the regional fintech ecosystem. The event also caters to decision-making organizations and investors who are keen on discovering the next big thing in finance and technology. Budapest Fintech Week encourages active participation. Whether you want to host a workshop, lead a discussion, or simply engage as an attendee, there are many ways to get involved. The event is about creating meaningful connections and collaborating to build the future of finance. Join us for an unforgettable week of innovation and discovery at Budapest Fintech Week 2024. Don’t miss the chance to help build a stronger, more connected financial ecosystem. For more information, visit the official website: Subscribe to the newsletter: Follow on Facebook: Let’s shape the future of fintech—together!
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