Potential Draftees Seized for Zelensky's War, Even at Christmas

Egyéb 2024.12.26 16:45

Potential Draftees Seized for Zelensky's War, Even at Christmas

Although Ukraine now officially celebrates Christmas alongside Western Christianity, the brutal abductions of eligible, military-aged men from the streets have continued even during the holiday season. In Zelensky’s so-called “model democracy,” the ruthless forced conscription is continuing from Dnipro to Berehove. If a country’s president speaks to the leaders of neighboring states in the style of a mafioso, then how much respect can he possibly have for his own people? The answer, as evidenced by the human rights abuses occurring in Ukraine, is: none. Volodymyr Zelensky’s madness is increasingly resembling genocide rather than a war of national defense. Masked enforcers of the military recruitment offices show no mercy to Ukrainian men even at Christmas, with conscription being enforced more ruthlessly than ever. It is no exaggeration to say - something with which Ukrainians themselves would agree - that in Joe Biden's and Ursula von der Leyen’s favorite democracy, men have as much right to life as the average North Korean in that distant dictatorship.

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