Ukraine’s current situation presents numerous challenges to both its political sphere and military forces. Declining morale and escalating political tensions are a reflection of the gravity of the conflict, which will impact the success of future decisions and actions. The coming period will be pivotal for Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is growing more and more severe, as the latest news reports indicate. According to The Economist, a British magazine, the morale of Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines has plummeted dramatically, with an estimated 20 percent desertion rate. This situation is particularly alarming for Ukraine’s leadership, given that, alongside the sharp decline in morale, tensions among the troops are also rising.
Hungary will not be affected by the likely halt of the gas transit through Ukraine, as Hungary's nat...
The Hungarian PM spoke about Brussels wanting to set up a puppet government of their choice in Hunga...
European arms deliveries arrive in Ukraine as Russia steps up its onslaught, and French citizens loo...
Gabor Borondi, chief of staff of the Hungarian Armed Forces, addressed NATO's military committee. "H...
Ukraine’s current situation presents numerous challenges to both its political sphere and military f...
Szijjártó said that the percentage Hungary contributed for this in the joint budget is the same as t...
Levente Magyar, parliamentary state secretary at Hungary's ministry of foreign affairs and trade, he...
We reviewed who Putin and Zelensky have maintained contact with over the past year and a half. Among...
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Elértük a 3 százalékos célt, de ez aligha lesz fenntartható. Valószínűleg 2025-ben ugyanúgy küzdenünk kell a drágulás ellen. Mi történt? Szeptemberben jegybank 3 százalékos céljára süllyedt vissza az infláció Magyarországon. U
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Nem volt könnyű elengedni a gyerekeit. Bombera Krisztinának fájt, amikor kirepültek a gyerekek, és kettesben maradtak a férjével. „Amikor még itthon éltek a gyerekek, és bármi miatt feszültség támadt köztem és a férjem között, m
Az orvosok figyelmeztettek: elég pár alkalom is.
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A történelmi és a kereskedelmi konfliktust is rendeznék.
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Debütált a Sikoly 6, mi pedig már a premier előtti vetítésen alávetettük magunkat a borzongásnak. ...
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