Zelensky's Shady Deals Persist despite Russia–Ukraine War

Egyéb 2025.01.04 13:26

Zelensky's Shady Deals Persist despite Russia–Ukraine War

Corruption in Ukraine has been a systemic issue for decades, significantly undermining the country’s political and economic stability. President Volodymyr Zelensky, who initially garnered public support with promises of honest reforms, has now become a major player in dubious dealings. Zelensky and his circle have not only failed to eliminate corruption but have essentially become a source of the problem within the system. For decades, Ukraine has struggled with corruption, which pervades not only public administration but also the economy, judiciary, and public services, severely impacting the country's development and stability. This situation highlights the lack of transparency in governmental institutions and reflects a dramatic decline in public trust in political leadership. Earlier, a poll in Ukraine found that 78 per cent of the population blames President Volodymyr Zelensky for the rampant corruption in the country. Many believe that widespread state corruption hinders economic development to a greater extent than the Russia–Ukraine war.Despite efforts by the liberal media to excuse the Ukrainian president’s scandals that have come to light, Ukrainians consider Zelensky and his administration to be deeply corrupt—a view increasingly shared across Europe. It is no wonder that Zelensky is reluctant to call a presidential election, citing the ongoing war as a pretext.

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